@shawn it is. It is the high-end version o… – Long posts


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@jacobrealo on Pnut

@shawn it is. It is the high-end version of the Xbox One which supported 4K games. Microsoft have a confusing naming scheme. That is last generation.

The new one, Series X, is a next generation console. PlayStation is more straightforward with their naming scheme.

Written with ChimPnut.

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@jacobrealo is it as good as people had hoped?
@shawn I’m on a Xbox One X. The only hardware that seems to perform well. I am loving this. Only a few minor things happened. So far so.
@jacobrealo kidding aside, is that the actual name of the device? I stay out of the console wars so I'm really ignorant about this kind of thing (and also very late to reply as well, sorry).
@jacobrealo @shawn If you have a good gaming PC, it's the best way with the Series X is second.

Sony's delisting the game and offering refunds, same as Best Buy and Microsoft. Just wow! [gameskinny.com]
@shawn @jacobrealo To clarify: Sony's delisting the game in their PS Store and offering refunds, Best Buy and Microsoft offering refunds but keeping the game on their digital stores.
@joe I know lots of people are upset with the game but I am having a blast. My experience is better than most I assume.