EUROPE – Long posts


my pronouns are: none.

please, do not refer to me.

even better: do not perceive me.

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@blumenkraft on Pnut

when this crisis is over, we really need to have this discussion in which cases a federal system makes sense. during a pandemic, when it comes to countermeasures, it makes no forking sense at all!

and i want this discussion on EU level, not on national level!

there must be preparation for different scenarios (i.e. having masks/drugs/etc in stockpile, having production capacity locally) beforehand!

given the numbers on both deaths and economic impact, unpreparedness for situations like this is a way bigger problem then, say, terrorism or crime.


Written with ChimPnut.

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the lesson for the US might be to introduce stronger checks and balances. when the president can have the public institutions and states as hostages, the king has no clothes. and no one tells'em.
@j_r_snook nah, i'm talking future, not past. ;)
@Kabuku yep, those are exactly the things i mean. destroying the USPS by putting a goon there would be another,