Well this was a long time coming – Long posts

Well this was a long time coming

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@tomcat on Pnut

Hey all So I've kind of had a crazy few years but particularly the last year and a half I suppose since I last saw y'all. I kind of lost track of 10c, pnut, mastodon a bit around the time my gaming laptop died. It's fixed now, so I have Vivaldi set up in a way I like to see everyone again ! I had the following things happen:

Some bad shit at work, basically being unsupervised and bullied, but also dealing with people with untreated personality disorder behaviour and terrible boundaries Really became aware of my history of trauma. Did some really incompetent trauma therapy with my ex-psychologist that was literally legitimately harmful; i managed to work my way through it and get a lot of trauma at least part-way processed but at a cost to myself, and tbh it was in hindsight an abusive (therapeutic) relationship Found an actually good psychologist with an interest in trauma Moved away from shithole canberra to Sydney (yay) Met a nice girl, 2 days after our first date she was admitted to hospital and turns out she had Hodgkin's Lymphoma, so needed chemo workplace drama blah blah therapy blah blah things were sort of starting to settle, but gf found out her family had a lot more … um… darkness she hadn't been completely aware of we had some issues so started couples therapy - highly recommended btw i broke my arm in a low speed motorcycle accident gf may or may not have relapsed cancer but not sure yet- first biopsy negative/inconclusive, going to have a surgical biopsy soon. hope for the best, prepare for the worst I guess I have exams coming up in May O_O

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@tomcat Wow, that's a lot! Of course covering some time. Thanks for updating us. Sheesh…
@tomcat Yikes. Big hug to you, Tom.

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