War and Money – Long posts

War and Money

@pnut developerd
Notes on wiki.pnut.io
I take being emperor seriously but I feel like I'm the only one.

@33MHz on Pnut

Imagine a world where Bitcoin is the central value store. Imagine a war breaks out and your value goes Up. What if the whole world orchestrated circumstances just so their value goes up. Like social media engagement algorithms for money. Run by the Mojoverse.

Certainly some argue cynically that's what we already have with USD; wars are waged to prop up certain groups and not others. Many tactics other than war are used, for sure. But, what if Russia, China, etc etc were also in on the USD?

Or the Bitcoin, if it succeeded in supplanting the USD.

I think we would just have alt coins. Countries would leave Bitcoin and join their own. Or use Bitcoin, but forked. Their own ledger. It would be the same.

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