First recorded viking attack on England – Long posts

First recorded viking attack on England

Haven't decided yet.


@manx on Pnut

@bondman :) According Anglo-Saxon chronicle (Winchester MS) this happened 789 (entered under year 787 due to a scribal error):

"Here Beorhtric [AD 786-802] took King Offa's daughter Eadburh. And in his days there came for the first time 3 ships; and then the reeve rode there and wanted to compel them to go to the king's town, because he did not know what they were; and they killed him. Those were the first ships of the Danish men which sought out the land of the English race."

// @yawp

Written with ChimPnut.

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@yawp No.
@manx care to elaborate? 🤓 #FactChecked! @yawp
First recorded viking attack on England - - #longpost
@bondman Well, not sure how well that longpost worked @yawp
@manx I got your longpost. :-) Right or wrong, based on a Google search, 793 seems like the generally accepted first raid. Like a lot of history, there's lots of debate on this I'm sure.
@bondman Yes, it is. It was the first recorded raid on a monastery. A real chock to the church, so it is a good starting point to the raids. But there were plenty of raids before that, they were just not recorded. @yawp
@manx that makes sense. We only know what we know. And some historical accounts are more well known than others I suppose. 🤷‍♂️ @yawp