@joe and I forgot to mention the a Philade… – Long posts


Coffee lover, Power Rangers fan, Trekkie and all out geek.
Bay < Bae
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@jacobrealo on Pnut

@joe and I forgot to mention the a Philadelphia arrested in 2018. Great panel in 2018 called Black Coffee, which Black leaders in speciality discussed issues. Among them was that. https://sprudge.com/black-coffee-the-live-podcast-debut-is-now-available-132593.html

Written with ChimPnut.

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@jacobrealo Really? I know Starbucks is not as good now as they were back in the day I know that.
@joe well they have sat on the right side of BLM. They’ve in recent years been caught buying from farms that support slave labor Brazil and child labor in Guatemala.

Also they claimed to help their farmers with a $20M relief fund during a price crisis. [sprudge.com]
@joe and their dress code banned publicly showing BLM support which was reserved shortly afterwords. https://sprudge.com/starbucks-employee-dress-code-bans-black-lives-matter-apparel-165074.html
@joe a co-worker walked out of the room when I said all this.
@jacobrealo As in they don't believe what you have just said. even though it's the truth. Yikes...