@blumenkraft It’s a possibility. More … – Long posts


Dr Frankenshroom

Twitter ID:DrFrankenshroom
Homepage: http://presidentoftheearth.org

@DrFrankenshroom on Pnut

@blumenkraft It’s a possibility. More credibility than believing Dr Sanjay Gupta or Democrat fear mongers The covid19 strain in States is different than the Chinese one . American media is biased on both sides. Truth is not biased. So the best you get from any media source is 50% I got this from a scientific group which are independent of both sides

Written with ChimPnut.

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@DrFrankenshroom do you believe that?
@DrFrankenshroom ok, but why would you look at media for infos? there are like a handful of good science journalists in the world. the rest is utter trash

i'm listening to trusted experts directly. removes a lot of politics, distraction, bullshit, opinion