Politics – Long posts


Dr Frankenshroom

Twitter ID:DrFrankenshroom
Homepage: http://presidentoftheearth.org

@DrFrankenshroom on Pnut


You want This is the Oval Office?😆😆😆😆🤮 What will your allies think? Being Canadian,I know what I’d do,time to dump the US on it’s collective arse and form a new alliance with other countries. What do you think Europeans would think? What do you think President. Xi. Jinping think ? Remember the US deals billions of dollars in trade with China. So thier opinion matters. Maybe he will revoke trade agreements (you’d love that) until pedo POTUS is removed or you pay back in full what you owe us(China)😆

If Putin doesn’t die laughing , he will be poking endless fun at you stating “ Is this what American values are and what thier political system values the most😆👹”

I I know what you’re thinking Trump is onetoo. Trump has been accused of it .It to be approved in a court of law . Biden is one,what this photo and other things show.

Written with ChimPnut.

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