Even the best of us...corporate sponsors. – Long posts

Even the best of us...corporate sponsors.

Kevin Munc
Metal. Code. Family.
@muncman most everywhere

@muncman on Pnut

I mean, being wrong can make the best of us want to dig in rather than admit any incorrectness or inconsistency. And if you also happen to be a “troll type,” then social media is where you can easily find allies for your emotional lash out. Hit a certain threshold —especially for an easy, common mistake like this— and I guess you’re on your way to having corporate sponsors. 😅

Written with ChimPnut.

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Thinking about a) people’s natural defensiveness in the face of public grammar-type mistakes and, b) _some_ people’s desire to stir up trouble on the Internet. Is it possible that the hard-G camp has its *ultimate* origins at the confluence of these? 🤔
Even the best of us...corporate sponsors. - https://chimpnut.nl/u/muncman/lp/748396 - #longpost
@Kabuku JPEG *is* classy.

But maybe it should be “jay-pejj”?
I should start a list of words that start with a G followed by a vowel that have soft-Gs.

It gets tricky. I like giraffe. “Gee willakers!” might be good? Gymnasium could backfire, though, since —I think— the G is hard in the original Latin...
Ooh! Germ. And George.

Gyroscope is probably Latin, too.

(This is fun. But I have actual work to do, lol.)
@Kabuku Well done! 😆