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ADN@bondman :-)

@bondman on Pnut

@MrFresh well, to be fair, I bet there are cases where someone has gotten into one of those packets before. Curiosity perhaps? One could assume that everything in food packaging must be edible. I wouldn't be surprised if customer call centers take calls from customers confused by how to prepare the packet of desiccant for consumption.

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@MrFresh yeah, kinda strange - probably legal CYA BS
@bondman I get that for sure, it's just strange why such a warning would even be put on it. It's not like someone is going around saying..."Hmmm, I'm hungry right, now...some desiccant (correct spelling) would be nice..."
@bondman @bondman Good point, Tim...but considering where you encounter these packets....I'm still like ...who would even... LOL