@33MHz Enjoying ourselves. 😊 /@ericd @k… – Long posts


Dennis Parussini
Freelance/Indie iOS/Swift developer.
iOS Tech degree graduate at Team Treehouse [www.teamtreehouse.com]


@thedan84 on Pnut

@33MHz Enjoying ourselves. 😊 /@ericd @ki6bjv @kabuku @streakmachine @bayprogrammer @mrfresh @mandy @ccp @ludolphus @josephaleo @i70dan @joe @mikehoss @theprawn @rafaelcosta @thrrgilag @hutattedonmyarm @crackpot @phoneboy @thedoctor @papierzeit

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@33MHz party there, other party other there. Afternoons/evenings so at least can do something around the house 😉
@rafaelcosta good luck!! :D
@ludolphus have fun!! :)
@rafaelcosta that's cool. become a European. \o/

in which town?
@blumenkraft there will be cake again
@ludolphus you know what to do: photos. :P
@blumenkraft or it didn’t happen 😀
@rafaelcosta Whoa! Didn't you just get a new job a few months ago?
@Kabuku coffee as 50% of your weekend ;)
@ludolphus sounds good as long as you get some down time. :)
@Kabuku not my style. That horchata was good though! See if I can get that..
@rafaelcosta hmm. We shall indeed!
@rafaelcosta they probably know your work from Pnut app development. ;)
@MrFresh mm, finishing up here. Black beans, rice, pork.
@33MHz from where I took the pic, about 290m above sea level. Summit of the mountain is about 1100m
@ccp I live ~100m above sea level, FYI. :)

Beautiful grassy mountains there.
@33MHz we're approximately at the same elevation at the moment. We're at 112m in a caravan park. See me on Google Maps! https://maps.app.goo.gl/4LR9zuw8DsMVdYwb7
@33MHz our home elevation is 118m
@thedoctor That's the stuff!
@thedoctor What will you do?
@crackpot wünsche ich dir auch mein lieber! :)
@crackpot ajo, muss! ;)
ausser, Minimi is sauer auf mich, weil sie das essen nicht mag. tja... ^^
@crackpot Thanks, you too!
@ccp @thedoctor count me in!
@33MHz going on a road trip. Visit a couple national parks, doing some biking, etc. Should be alright!
@ccp @33MHz Scotland has always been on my list. Hopefully soon! So many disterilleries I want to visit, so little time. Good idea about the DD, although most of my friends that would come are also whisky lovers.
@thedoctor @ccp @wife says we'll go in 9 years. ;)
@blumenkraft the cake photo’s.
@ludolphus @33MHz this is art, not food.
@ludolphus @blumenkraft wooow. That is a party, not art or cake. :)
@thedoctor sounds ideal. Plenty of that going on all over Scotland. We have a world class mountain biking centre in Innerleithen, pretty close to where we live.
@thedoctor yeah, it's struggle to get round all the distilleries is like to visit in a lifetime, never mind on a single vacation 😉
@33MHz second birthday of twin boys