is already done but the whole thing is mor… – Long posts


is already done but the whole thing is more complex than I thought. because my dear dentist and I do not find out exactly which of the two teeth is the problem now and he wants to do a double root canal treatment means for me currently -> medication and wait until the pain is so extreme that you know exactly which of the two teeth it is. I find completely beside it, but just there I must now probably the next days through. With cold water and so I can push the pain down but streaming is not possible, unfortunately. Since I can speak with full mouth nothing.

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@papierzeit Were you able to book time with a dentist?
@33MHz is already done but the whole thing is more....
@papierzeit Ah. Just have to power through the pain. Sorry about that. :(
@33MHz it is a part of my life to endure pain again and again in different ways. I will make it again this time.
@papierzeit I think along the lines of dark as an absence of light and pain as an absence of joy. Dark and pain are the base, and thankfully we get reprieves from both.
@33MHz wow, this is something to think about... // @papierzeit
@33MHz a good attitude that I share.