@33MHz work has been super busy. Lots of f… – Long posts


@33MHz work has been super busy. Lots of federal reporting due at the begging of the month and almost none of it is automated yet. So the rest of the month I am automating this stuff out. /@jvimedia @nitinkhanna @jussipekonen @konrad @phoneboy @charlesg @sulgi @joanna @i70dan @mps @peemee @jmergy @manx @bazbt3 @jeremycherfas @bondman @saket @infodriveway @ericd @jdscolam @thedoctor @alexk @jeremy @ccp

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But now I need to retrieve tea, or my emoji is misleading.
@33MHz What? Where did Thursday go? Friday is over 8 hours away here!
@ccp This here is the Friday Network! We ain't got no stinkin' Thursdays!
@ericd o/ glad you have some hope!
@33MHz Yeah, feels good! A very welcomed change. 😊
Green tea + pomegranate achieved. ✌️
@KI6BJV aha! Room for Improvement™️
@33MHz if today is really Friday, I fully support it
@mikehoss who can really know? I'd like it to be Friday. #TGTIF
@larand @ronnie @tewha @literacy @mdhughes @feorlen @konrad @nguarracino @ukhaiku @tomcat @morrick @randolph @gadgetcoma And good afternoon, ADD network! Be well! 🥗💪👏
derp - @literary not @literacy! ☺️