7 years ago
my pronouns are: none.
please, do not refer to me.
even better: do not perceive me.
for practical purposes, I don't exist.
please, do not refer to me.
even better: do not perceive me.
for practical purposes, I don't exist.
@prometheus battery technology is slow. but there are like a million other ways to store energy. a mix of batteries, power to x, water pumped storage hydro power station, high voltage direct current transmission and others will solve the problem. @mcdemarco
Written with ChimPnut.
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@blumenkraft if Rump could find his own ass, he would also find his energy policy advice is on the wrong side of history. I hope US backsliding on fossil fuels stalls and dies in its tracks…so backward.
@prometheus the market will sort this out. Twitler has no say here. he can cut what he want's, when renewable energy is cheaper (which it is now) the fossile industrie is a dying industrie.
@blumenkraft unless you're Jason Chaffitz, who apparently believes coal is part of the solution 😂 https://youtu.be/FsuqtWHkY2Q [youtu.be]
@blumenkraft It won't really die until batteries are much better than they are today (because renewable sources are mostly not constant sources). @prometheus
@mcdemarco @blumenkraft That assessment is changing. 6 years ago, that was right guidance: only combustible liquids packed the energy density to carry you hundreds of miles. Now some pricey cars do that on an overnight charge. Trucks, buses & trains next.
@mcdemarco just recently i listened to a podcast with a professor talking about grid management. you are right, there will be a problem when a lot of solar and wind is in the grid. but problems are solvable! @prometheus
@mcdemarco and when the market decides to go renewable, the grid must become way more complex than it is today but it will grow into this new state. @prometheus
@prometheus An overnight charge that they got from a power plant burning fuel, because the sun wasn't out overnight. @blumenkraft
@blumenkraft @mcdemarco Storage and generation capabilities based on hydrolysis are just starting to show promise. Generating H2 from water when there is too much KWH for grid to absorb can potentially be mobile fuel and grid tied storage via fuel cell.
@blumenkraft @prometheus @mcdemarco Baseload solar, i.e. 24 hr solar, is possible today via molten salt: https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/03/plans-for-a-24-hour-solar-thermal-plant-earn-environmental-approval-in-chile/
@blumenkraft "Solvable" is unfortunately quite far from actually solved. @prometheus
@mcdemarco @blumenkraft I would only buy wind and hydro. In upstate NY, those are options NYSEG can connect us to. not that much more expensive than fossil these days and that is with methane's subsidies.
@prometheus exactly. and this is only one of the many things to look at. of course we should have started doing science on this topic 30years ago - but Trump types prevented that. @mcdemarco
@kingmahl this is great technology!! <3 @mcdemarco @prometheus
@blumenkraft There are promising developments in batteries, too, and they're more convenient than molten salt for many applications.
@mcdemarco sadly! but the grid we have today needed to grow all the time. i don't see why it can't anymore. it's a question of time. as said, we should have started 30years ago. @prometheus
@kingmahl @blumenkraft @mcdemarco I only wonder what the lifetime is for equipment handling such high temperatures and molten salt is a tad corrosive. That said, this will work in desert places but distribution IS consumption both of power and of Cu & Al
@mcdemarco yeah, have you heard, the inventor of Li-ion batteries (age 94) just came up with some fancy new technology. :)
@prometheus the prototype in Spain is working fine since many years now. they are optimistic for what i understand.
@kingmahl @mcdemarco
@kingmahl @mcdemarco
@mcdemarco that said, even if he made a big step people think, we will not see this technology in the wild next 10-15 years.
@blumenkraft @mcdemarco True, much interference with science but, other research points to the bottle neck of metals scarcity. We can not spread this standard of energy comfort to all 7 billions. Distributed generation in a smart but minimal grid avoids:
@blumenkraft @mcdemarco …overuse of wire to spread the energy. Whole-system modeling [pnas.org] is difficult and badly needed but anathema to vested interests who want policy to line their pockets. There is a species of capitalist who say "yay! shortages".
@prometheus @mcdemarco speaking of modeling.
everytime it fits i throw this important talk into the round in the hope someone will watch it:
everytime it fits i throw this important talk into the round in the hope someone will watch it:
@blumenkraft @mcdemarco WOW! That is where I came in. Graduated in 1972, I have seen no response to Club of Rome that matters and my hopeless cynicism has only grown. Just 4%. You would think a species with our brains could change course by that 4%.
@prometheus we can! we only need to be aware and wanting. the message is clear! enable the poor and it will change everything. we are headed there.
@prometheus i was born in '72, learned about CoR when i was 14yo. i told everyone and their dog - noone listened. :-/