Today's Personal Retro – Long posts

Today's Personal Retro

Kevin Munc
Metal. Code. Family.
@muncman most everywhere

@muncman on Pnut

I’ve had what seem like negative levels of motivation today. Horribly unproductive. Just could not focus well.

Not cool. Now I’m behind going into the weekend. The weekend before WWDC week (I’m not attending) in which I will predictably also be, officially speaking, less productive than normal.

I’ve had a few days like this recently. Am I a little burned out? Maybe, but I don’t think that would account for all of it.

I need to course correct.

I want this summer to rock. For that, I’ll need to get a little ruthless about some things I’ve let slide, accumulate, and gum up the gears of my life.

Written with ChimPnut.

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@muncman Always a bummer to have a slow day. Hopefully it's not a slough getting caught up.

I have some deadlines incoming, and the target moves a little the closer I get… Hoping it doesn't hit too hard when I reach it.
@33MHz Thanks. Slough or not, it should be worth it to get myself to a better position.

And, sincerely, good luck with your deadlines!
@muncman Thanks. :)
@muncman feeling some similar things today too… hang in there 😊
@shawn Thanks. You hang in there, too! 💪
@Skematica Warp Speed Engage! 🚀 @shawn @33MHz