Post-Marxist caricature of commodity fetishism – Long posts

Post-Marxist caricature of commodity fetishism

@pnut developerd
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I take being emperor seriously but I feel like I'm the only one.

@33MHz on Pnut

the spam-submitting, plagiarist users of ChatGPT and other supposedly “AI” poetry generators are not thinking about cognition or cybernetics or an honest attempt at writing. I think they are using a kind of litigious magical thinking about what constitutes a submission, and playing into a Post-Marxist (yikes that phrase) caricature of commodity fetishism where a story is whatever you can get paid for, and let the victims of the fraud try to catch up and get some kind of legal recourse.

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"We'll ALL be using self-driving cars soon!" 😉
A _ is whatever you can get paid for.