A Surprise Christmas Gift – Long posts

A Surprise Christmas Gift

Dan on I-70
Ex-ADN, GF cook, oilfield tech services specialist

Lang: en_US+++++, es+++, de+

@i70dan on Pnut

Grocery store was crazy today in advance of cold and Christmas. I was buying two gift cards, some sausage, and some rolls. I was behind a mom with a pre-K girl and FULL shopping cart. She looked at my basket and offered to let me cut in ahead of her, because she knew she was going to be a while.

I initially refused; I had time to wait. She insisted, so I went ahead.

After paying for my own groceries and gift cards, I grabbed a store gift card and told the clerk to put $50 on it. It wasn't going to cover all of the lady's groceries, but it was going to make a nice dent. I handed her the card and wished her Merry Christmas. #holidays

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@i70dan Great idea! Thanks for being a role model!