Or I just stop saving things to a place wh… – Long posts


Kevin Munc
Metal. Code. Family.
@muncman most everywhere

@muncman on Pnut

Or I just stop saving things to a place where I'll never read all of them and instead only feel a constant psychic level of stress from from an effectively undepletable task list of things I should read, as you suggest. :)

Of course, you are one source of my read-later saves, so you're not innocent in this. :P

Hey, look, a long pnut post!

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@muncman Pocket! 👍
@ericd Thanks for the input! I get the impression Instapaper is losing users. I've stayed so far, but "Save to Instapaper" has failed for me on iOS several times lately. Might not be the service's or app's fault, but I don't want to have to second guess it
@muncman Exactly what happened to me: I was an early Instapaper adopter and thought it was excellent, but they took a weird turn at some time and I tried Pocket... and never ever thought of coming back to Instapaper. :)
@muncman We-elll… Right now I'm waiting for the guy who runs Pinboard to fix the full-text search for a couple of us newcomers to the site. Longer-standing users report no problems.

Here's a brief outline: https://pinboard.in/tour/

@bazbt3 Another friend mentioned wanting some tweaks to Pinboard to better support read-later usage, too. I'll look into it more--I've had an account there for years. Thanks for the pointer!
@muncman My pleasure. It's the first site at which tags just 'work' for me.
@muncman Instapaper is now free, but, meh. Reading list, and then never look at it, because life is too short. Look now or never; reading list to pretend you might look later. ;)
@muncman IIRC JNM abandoned Pocket as they kept trying to shove additional content at him. Shifted to self-hosted Wallabag.
@jws :) I do struggle to read more of the saves than I add. I used to pay for premium with IP. Pocket has a premium upgrade, too.
@jws IIRC, Pocket does surface "popular" articles. Not sure if… - http://chimpnut.nl/u/muncman/lp/10631 - #lon#longpost
@muncman I've used pocket and changed to insta paper :) now I'm not using anything anymore ;)
@unixb0y :) That is an option for me to consider, as well.

I like the minimalism of it.
@muncman which one? Going with none? ;) I also felt that pressure you described earlier... Now I have a few open safari tabs and that's it as my "reading list" ;)
@muncman sometimes "less is more" :)
@jws @muncman @jnm was recently fighting with their upgrade and SQLite – PostgreSQL migration …
@unixb0y Yep. The option of None could have More benefit. 👍
@unixb0y open browser tabs is another "issue" I often have, as well. Heh.
@muncman might be the case, just try it ;) fact: I've never read any saved thing.. Maybe 1-2.
@c Wallabag had a troublesome migration? Or Pocket? @jnm @jws
@muncman must not necessarily be an issue :D For me after some time I realize that some of the open things aren't that important and just close them. This way I don't get too much information... Seriously this can be an issue.. 😅
@muncman Wallabag, or the marsupial as I tend to refer to it @jws @jnm