Cleaned up – Long posts

Cleaned up

"Proper Strong."
Abuser of tea, coffee & cheese. Mac, iOS & Android (Motorola G75) user. Was @pme on ADN. Welcome to The Pnut Gallery.

@peemee on Pnut

A clunking sound was heard from my front-load washer late last night - I had started a load with my iPhone 13 Mini still in a trouser pocket. I retrieved it from under 3 inches of cold soapy water and it was still working. No surprise there, it's designed to survive dunking to one metre deep for up to 30 minutes and had only been subjected to water for three minutes. I rinsed it under fresh water then shook out as much water as possible before placing in the warm dry airstream of a reverse-cycle A/C for an hour. I then backed it up to via the iMazing app over wifi and returned it to the warm air flow. It is totally fine - just a lot cleaner than before it's unexpected swim!

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