It’s been a long time... – Long posts

It’s been a long time...

Loving tech. AV Geek from Dubai (UTC+4). My posts are my personal views. They do not represent the views of my company.

@sumudu on Pnut

Oh well.. I did not know about this feature of long posts/blog posts here on pnut. Perhaps it must have been due to my ignorance. There has been lots happened in my life since I had last posted here. Most significantly, my job role was made redundant in an organizational re-sizing program that was done due to COVID-19 and it's impact in the industry. As a result, and after much thought, both Mrs and myself along with our daughter, decided to relocate to Sri Lanka and we moved to the indian ocean island in January this year. Since we got back to the island after 3 decades being away and in particular our daughter has never lived here, there is a fair amount of effort is being taken to adapt to new life style. But we are slowly settling in...

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@sumudu that is quite intense!
@sumudu So, does your daughter have a foreign accent?
@variablepulserate She does. Beside she cannot/doesn’t read, write or converse in native language
@sumudu Wow. I’m surprised. Did you not speak Sinhalese to her in the home? I bet she wishes she’d picked it up now.
@variablepulserate We have mostly been speaking to her Sinhalese at home though she has been responding in English all the time. She does understand what we say in Sinhala though
@sumudu She’ll get there. It’s easier when you’re young and especially when you’re living it every day.
@variablepulserate Yes I’m hoping.

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