Project hosting revisited – Long posts

Project hosting revisited

Morgan McMillian
Spaced out Linux nerd

@SpaceNerdMo on Pnut

I've been spending some of my free time working on a package for Pantalaimon on Ubuntu Touch. Getting to to build properly, adding a basic UI, stuff like that. I'm a little torn as to where I should host the project for it. It looks like a lot of the ubports community is hosting on GitLab but I like how is evolving and the email workflow aspect. So will my personal preference to where to host negatively effect participation? Or am I just being overly paranoid?

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@thrrgilag From the technical side, I like the idea that PRs should be acceptable from anyone's castle. But you are hampered by the social connections within the primary castles.
@thrrgilag Build locally, mirror remotely?
@33MHz it's not the build I'm concerned about but rather the contribution workflow (request via web interface vs git send-email). I fear in the gmail age people are more attached to the web browser than anything.
@thrrgilag right, I meant build as in make your commits to your sr-ht repo, but also make a mirror on GitLab.
@thrrgilag (does sr-ht have automatic mirroring?)
@33MHz no I don't believe it does (it's still technically in alpha). But GitLab does and that might make for an intereresting approach. 🤔
@thrrgilag interesting, yes. :}

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